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How to Resync a GHOST Wallet

Windows users:

1. Close all wallet instances.
2. Go to:

C:\Users\”Enter Your PC Name Here”\AppData\roaming\ghost\

3. Delete blocks, chainstate, banlist.dat, peers.dat
4. Run the wallet and wait until it is fully synchronized.

MacOS users:

1. Close all wallet instances.
2. Open terminal and run the following command:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Ghost/ && rm -rfv blocks/ chainstate/ peers.dat banlist.dat

3. Run the wallet and wait until it is fully synchronized.

GNU/Linux users:

1. Close all wallet instances.
2. Open terminal and run the following command:

cd ~/.ghost && rm -rfv blocks/ chainstate/ peers.dat banlist.dat

3. Run the wallet and wait until it is fully synchronized.

If Amounts are Displayed Incorrectly

  1. Unlock your wallet.
  2. Press console icon at the top right corner of Ghost Desktop or press Ctrl+T in Ghost Core.
  3. Enter the following commands to rescan all transactions:
clearwallettransactions true

How to Delete an Old Ghost Wallet

  1. Check the old wallet name in the left side menu.
  2. Go to:C:\Users\”Enter Your PC Name Here”\AppData\roaming\ghost\

  3. Make a backup copy, remember: Fund Safety First.
  4. Delete the old wallet folder.

Ghost is Blocked by OS (Win Users)

  1. Try to allow Ghost into your Anti Virus Program and and unclick block Apps in Security Settings
  2. Allow Ghost in your Windows Defender: Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Allowed Apps

Find Hidden Files (For Win Users)

  1. Type in Search field “hidden”
  2. Click on “Show hidden files” settings option
  3. In the “Settings” > “For developers” windows click on “Change settings to show hidden and system files”
  4. Choose “Show hidden files, folders and drives” and apply

Still Need Help?

If you have a technical problem with Ghost ask for help in Telegram. We have a very helpful and active community there willing to help